Agricultural Fencing

The Postman Fencing provides vinyl fencing and cedar wood fencing for agricultural fencing needs, as well as a variety of metal fence options. In addition to our standard agricultural fencing, we do have a licensed electrician that is certified in electric fences.

If you are looking to build or replace your agricultural fencing, contact The Postman Fencing today for an estimate. We can guarantee that we will arrive at your facility or house within a week to give you a quote and the majority of our jobs are finished within two weeks after delivery of materials.


Agricultural Fencing

Electric Fencing Available

The Postman Fencing is proud to offer agricultural fencing of all types, including electric fencing. We have an onsite and experienced electrician to help you with your enclosure needs. If you have any questions regarding our electrical fencing, please contact us for more information.

Types of Agricultural Fencing

We have a couple of options of agricultural fencing available for your farming needs.

  • Ornamental Aluminum
  • Ornamental Steel
  • Cedar Wood Fencing
  • Electrical

Contact The Postman Fencing Today!

free quote

11511 Sprinkle Rd.
Vicksburg, Michigan 49097

Office – 269-649-0482